1. Enthusiastic and experienced Board of Directors, deep understanding, are reputable experts in the field of personnel protection and management.
2. Apply a scientific and staff management model. The short-term professional training curriculum is established based on documents of specialized agencies along with the practical experience of the advisory board, compiled in accordance with the legal system and business environment in Vietnam.
3. In addition to the security team who work directly, we also have quick response forces, mobile teams, command and control teams, and 24/7 command and control.
4. The protection plan is elaborated in detail and is appropriate based on specific surveys, giving the most necessary and optimal solutions in managing security and assets for Customers. Always have a good relationship with local authorities.
5. Professional Security Service ASEAN DONG A reasonably priced package: Cost includes uniform, social welfare, holidays, insurance...
6. Security guards can be rotated or changed and supplemented in case of customer's request or when sick holiday/new year, funeral, wedding, etc... free of charge and without any obstacles. on the issue of labor contracts.
7. We always abide by the workplace rules, do not interfere in the internal affairs of our customers, and respect third parties. Information about security at the target is reported two-way.
8. In addition to professional problems, our staff also meet the elements of appearance, communication style along with standard and aesthetic uniforms, which will certainly ensure the safety and security of customers. Row.
9. With the desire to bring customers a Perfect Service with reasonable cost. ASEAN DONG A is committed to be a Safe and Reliable partner. ASEAN DONG A is one of the DVBV businesses in Vietnam that is allowed to use Firearms in security activities.